When childbirth begins

A woman can notice that childbirth is starting due to different factors. In the last few days of pregnancy, it can frequently result in Braxton Hicks contractions or spotting. Even slightly bloody or slimy discharge can occur.

Allow yourself to be taken to the hospital or call your midwife if

  • you have regular contractions that take place in intervals between 4 to 5 minutes and last longer than 40 to 50 seconds.
  • You lose your amniotic fluid – either in one surge or slowly. Then the amniotic sac has burst; this is known as rupture of the membranes.

Allow yourself to be taken to the hospital if

  • You feel pain in the uterus
  • If you notice your baby is moving less
  • You have the first contractions and the child is to be born by caesarean section
  • You have the first contractions and are expecting twins

Discuss all your questions with your doctor and read the following information: